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Jorden Svart 2018
“This can truly be described as a steep start of their career.”
“A constantly present melancholic touch alongside with an euphoric intensity gives a dynamic range few band can compete with.”
Andreas Jakobsson – ergo.nu
“There is a genial contrast between that dynamic rocky sound and the spot-on singing.”
I Still Breathe 2014
“I Still Breathe is a gargantuan debut from a band that is sure to make a big splash on the heavy rock & prog scene. Make sure you don’t miss this one”
(Review by Pete Pardo, Sea of Tranquility)
“Every song is a journey with many winding roads and hills to climb”
(Review by Jacob Dawson, Metal Temple)
“when the metal onslaught gets interspersed with idyllic penny whistle, the effect is truly amazing”
“I think MAD ARTWORK are heading in the right direction based on their debut”
(Review by Matt Coe, Metal Temple)
“If you have a tendency to enjoy the harder edged side of vintage progressive rock, as well as an affection for hard rock bands that has a liberal use of guitar and organ combinations as key aspects of their material, Mad Artwork is a band you should give a check.”
(Review by Olav Martin Björnsen, House of Prog)
“All instruments are played extremely well. The production is crystal clear. You can hear each instrument clearly. I have listened to this five straight times now and still keep hearing new things”
“Här har vi en grupp som frustar, gormar och rockar till tusen”
(Review by Daniel Reichberg, Sweden Rock)
“Om de fortsätter på den inslagna vägen bör utsikterna vara goda föra att beröra lyssnare på alla kontinenter.”
(Review by Johan Jakobsson, Uppsala Nya Tidning)
“Mad Artwork är redan nu ett av de mest intressanta svenska banden inom dagens progressiva rock.”
(Review by Stefan Warnqvist, Uppsala Nya Tidning)
“Det är avgjort så att Mad Artwork rör sig över en färgsprakande palett där ett brett spektrum av nyanser, uttryck och tekniker gör sig gällande”
(Review by Lars Ekenryd, Slavestate)
“både små musikal-inslag och en rejäl dos renodlad 70-talsrock med fötterna djupt rotade i både Led Zeppelin, Uriah Heep, Deep Purple och Rush“
“det är så kul med en kvinnlig sångerska som kan riva loss, det behövs lite nytt kvinnligt blod i en ganska mansdominerad genre av musiken”
(Review by Amanda Nanor, Blogger)
“Det finns en god dos riff som kan välta hus och refränger som kan elda på hockeykörer, och ändå vågas det tas många extraturer ut i små och större musikaliska universa”
(Review by Mikael Sörhus, Ljudplåster)
“Musiken växlar mellan partier med vackra, nästan sakrala, lugna melodier och så kommer det utbrott av dånande hårdrock”
(Review by Olle Ekman, Uppsala Music-Lovers)
“Att gruppen innehåller duktiga musiker råder det inget tvivel om, och de kan nå hur långt som helst, speciellt roligt är det att höra Tezzis sång blandas in i detta”
“grandes momentos solistas en diversos instrumentos que se van sucediendo intermitentemente.”
“Τα συγκροτήματα που έχουν το επίθετο mad στην επωνυμία τους υποδηλώνουν, και παραδέχονται στην πλειοψηφία τους, μια κάποια εκκεντρικότητά τους.”
“nullkitschige Stimme kraftvoll leise Folkmelodien packen, die – gerade was den Gesang Tereses angeht, Gänsehaut über den Rücken jagen. Und wie! Und wenn dann die druckvoll dramatisch rockende Band einsteigt – Wow! Alle Achtung, das geht ins Ohr und will nicht wieder raus.”
“Incontestablement, ce groupe est taillé pour la scène, et ce n’est pas la cadence (au sens “classique” du terme) instrumentale présente sur la plage titre qui nous indiquera le contraire, Mad Artwork retrouvant ici le souffle épique jadis gravé sur un double vinyle intitulé “Made in Japan” (dont je ne ferai l’injure à personne de rappeler les géniteurs). “
“Où le groupe laisse exploser une créativité inouïe, accompagnée d’une grande maîtrise technique, et mêlent en un patchwork sonore une multitudes de styles, dont le solide squelette est un Rock progressif festif, coloré, virevoltant et quelque peu… halluciné. Ainsi que le tissage de fines mélodies qui prennent corps après plusieurs écoutes attentives. “
FRÄNDER plays modern acoustic folk music forged in the deep forests of the North. With seductive harmonies, heavy grooves and mesmerizing energy the members creates a unique musical landscape filled with mystery and charm. Their music seeks to unlock your imagination, create stories and paint pictures in your mind.
“We started FRÄNDER in 2015 with one purpose: to combine our fresh ideas with the sounds of tradition. We have found a strong symbiosis between the creative freedom within the expressive modern sound of nordic folk music and the traditional music of our ancestors. We have never been interested in reproducing the past, but strive to find new ways toward the future.” – FRÄNDER 2019
FRÄNDER is an ancient Swedish word referring to both ‘family’ and ‘kindred’ as well as ‘fellow humans’. At the same time it describes a closer, more soulful relationship between human beings than just friends. For us it means that we all are FRÄNDER.
Line up:
Natasja Dluzewska – lead vocals & fiddle
Säde Tatar – flute & vocals
Gabbi Dluzewski – swedish bosoki & backing vocals
Daniel Dluzewski – bass & backing vocals
Järventaus | Dluzewski
‘The earth so black beneath my feet, the heavens are my ceiling’
The Swedish folk duo JÄRVENTAUS | DLUZEWSKI is releasing their debut album on Mad King Productions during fall 2018.
Stories from the contemplative roots and the words one does not want to recognise. They remind you of sorrow and despondency, but at the same time they are words you long for; Hope, warmth and a sense of security.
The duo JÄRVENTAUS | DLUZEWSKI creates a world where the music, in it’s simplicity, speaks for itself. The roots from the northernmost part of Sweden, Norrbotten, is clearly heard throughout the music; both the newly written and the traditional. The sounds brings you to times long gone and present time as well as awakens a longing for what awaits.
‘Jorden svart under mina fötter, taket det är himmelen’
Folkmusikduon JÄRVENTAUS | DLUZEWSKI släpper sin debutskiva på Mad King Productions hösten 2018.
Berättandet, betraktandet, rötterna och orden som en egentligen inte vill känna igen sig i. De talar om vemod och misströstan, men också om orden man längtar efter; hoppet, värmen och tryggheten.
JÄRVENTAUS | DLUZEWSKI skapar tillsammans ett rum där musiken i sin enkelhet får tala för sig själv. Rötterna från Norrbotten hörs tydligt i både text och musik där de influerar stämningen genom både det nyskrivna och det ärvda. Tonerna tar med dig till minnen från förr, till livet vi lever nu och en längtan om vad som ska komma tränger igenom.
Line up:
Maria Järventaus – vocals
Gabbi Dluzewski – mandolin, swedish bosoki
Mad Artwork
“I Still Breathe is a gargantuan debut from a band that is sure to make a big splash on the heavy rock & prog scene. Make sure you don’t miss this one” – Sea Of Tranquility
“When the metal onslaught gets interspersed with idyllic penny whistle, the effect is truly amazing” – Let It Rock
“Every song is a journey with many winding roads and hills to climb.” – Metal Temple
Just as life is full of contrasts, Mad Artwork’s music revolves around the presence of opposites – black & white, soft & hard, life & death.
Since the beginning of 2006 Mad Artwork has become one of the most appreciated underground bands in Sweden. They have toured Sweden and Europe several times through the years and received praising reviews from all over the world for their debut album ‘I Still Breathe’, as well as their captivating live performances.
Mad Artwork is a band that conquers every stage, every venue and wins new fans everywhere, no matter the audience. They are such a heavy live act that we promise you that they will make your crowd go mad. MKP’s goal is to take Mad Artwork from an extraordinary underground band to a household name among established, hard rockin’ bands.
“We always strive to explore new places and angles in music. Of course you can hear the heritage left by our great heroes, such as Zeppelin, Deep Purple and Pink Floyd, yet our aim is to never get stuck in a tradition or to let any ”rules” outline our music. The result is a musical sanctuary where we can make our own unique mix of heavy riffs, beautiful melodies and mad whims.” – Mad Artwork
Line up:
Andreas Berglund – drums
Daniel Dluzewski – bass
Gabbi Dluzewski – guitar
Simon Forsberg – acoustic instruments
Terese Tezzi Persson – vocals